Mood Board -ass5.

 Another exciting assignment :)

     So we have to create a mood board based on whatever we want from designs in fashion, interior, graphics.....  Okay, so I had no idea what on earth a mood board is. Luckily, this is when watching 'Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane' unexpectedly comes to good use :D . 

     Kimora Lee Simmons is an American fashion model and was the president and creative director for Phat Fashion (hotstuff, check em out) so in her show, the fashion designers are always creating these mood boards which are basically a collage of images, texts and samples which develop their design concepts and help communicate with other designers and clients.

Here are some different types of mood boards..

Web page design




     Although I'm more into graphics, I decided to change it up a little and create an interior based mood board design. At first I was leaning more towards wedding themes but then thankfully decided to design a candy shop! Now that's more like me than a wedding c:

 . My Little Class Notes.

My Monogram -ass4.finalprint

     Got all excited for stencil making class, then fell terribly sick that very morning :/
.................Didn't stop me from making my stencil though!

Got Blackmill playin on loud cz his musics so chill man you gotta love him.

---------- few hours later ---------

     So apparently its A LOT more complicated than it first couple tries was quite a fail, but I tried covering up the mistakes with a milk-like design *facepalm*. Well heres my picture frame..


Picture Frame
Milk-like design


 I tried experimenting with different media's from nail polish to poster paint to plain glitter. Basically got very messy up my room :P

Think I'm starting to get the hang it now thought..slowly slowly..

Ma logo yo

My Monogram -ass4.attempt1.

   After having a lecture about what makes a good monogram/logo and discussing the designs of some famous logos and absolutely genius was our turn!
We were given around 30 minutes to come up with at least 10 different monograms for our names.
I'd say I got it a little easier because of all the A's and M's in my full name..

 : Amal Abdulla Mohamed Al-Montser :

My first 10 monogram attempts : 

As you can see, Ms.Lisa ticked the what she thought would be the best 2monograms to expand.

Sooooo after expanding thoooose, I came up with these bunch:

And again, as I've circled out to make more visible, Ms.Lisa picked the best 2monograms to expand and enlarge (because in reality these monograms are extremely tiny on my paper). But just as I was enlarging monogram#1 we decided that it was the one!

After a few tiny adjustments, I got an APPROVED stamp from my lecturer and got straight to work on my first sample stencil print from cutting tracing paper..

It almost looks like a flower in a way doesn't it? Or a paper plane....hmmm cant wait to get even more creative in our next weeks official stencil making class!

not bad :)

Movie Poster

Ta Da!
GHOUL PATROL is now available at any cinema near you :p

Have your mind blown away...literally

  • Amal Almont starring as the Rich Plastic Fantastic
  • Kanchan Ratnani starring as the Teacher
  • Marissa Wong starring as the Mad Scientist
  • Zaidane Rashad starring as the Junkie

*When stereotypes come together*

 -  Special thanks to Mr. Naga for lending us the chemistry equipment
                    & Mr. Imrah for his amazing photography

And during the presentation of our movie was a success! :D

-fotocredits to Mrs.Lisa